Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Future of the Web

The future of the web is uncertain to say the least. New technologies spring up every day that change the way we interact with the web. I think the web will move in a similar direction to what was described in the article on web 3.0. The web is going to become smarter. Using a search engine involves the user sifting through a pages of search results. The new web will do this for the user by getting to know their personal tastes and making smarter more relavent suggestions. Technology that strives towards this goal is being released even now. Recently an iPhone application called Siri was released. The user speaks a request to the application, for example "I want pizza." Siri processes the request and returns a list of pizza places in the users general area with information on each restaurant, ratings, and menus. Users can refine the search simply by speaking another request which Siri takes in context of the current search. This is just the beginning of the app's potential and big companies have taken notice. Siri was just purchased by Apple which shows that the major players are beginning to look into such technology.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Illustrator Midterm

My illustration represents how large companies will edit their own Wikipedia pages and the pages for their products to cast them in the best possible light. In this sense, Wikipedia is under the control of these large corporations. It's just one more reason not to trust everything on Wikipedia.